
Keep in touch!
Neighbor Site

Hello all who have come to visit! My name is Rover, and this is my little corner of the Internet... Enjoy your stay! I love to make music and I do so under the name NAPCAST!

I like rhythm games and turn based RPGs, and am currently making a few of my own! A few of my favourite musicians are CITROBAL, The Unicorns, and glass beach, although I try to be open minded to as many genres as I can...

Anyways, this website will be a hub for everything I want to keep organized! Project devlogs, blog entries for my CD collection, and a place to host my own music! I'll keep this place updated as frequently as I can. For now, enjoy the little tune below, written by me!

Newest CDs

Thanks for the Music by CITROBAL
Read about it here!

Latest Devlog